Saturday, January 14, 2012

How long to get decent basketball skills?

If I practice every day for at least 2 hours, how long would it take for me to get varsity high school level skills? What are the most important things to learn in basketball, and what drills are the best? Thanks.How long to get decent basketball skills?
You have to play with good people very often if you are planning to get that good real quick. The best way to get good at basketball is to play pickup games with people better than you. Drills are overrated.
i wouldnt say drills are over rated but playing with ppl that are a lot better then you are one of the best ways to get better when ever you see pro basketball players practicing its full of drills. its very important to being able to dribble and drive the ball and also hit a post move(hookshot)

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How long to get decent basketball skills?
when it comes to playing at varsity level if you put in a good practice every day and practice the key spots your position is looking for you should be well on your way. just make sure every practice and pick up game you try yourbest. and open up your shot opportunities, and increase your vertical.

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It depends how long you have been playing. Right now I am also trying to get to the best I can be, and if you already have a decent jump shot, and can dribble fairly well. Your in pretty good shape. If you practiced for at least 2 hours every day you would have a pretty good chance at making your team. Things you need to focus on is free throw shooting that is a key factor that coaches look at and would get you in late in the game. Speed, I don't know if your fast already but if you ran 10 to 15 40 yard sprints you would get a lot faster. Shooting, one of the most important aspects is shooting, if you can learn to flick the ball of your fingers and have it spin in the basket you would make it about 60 percent of the time. Lastly, your overall basketball iq, get in pick up games, play 1 on 1, learn how to play in game situations. If you do all of this you should reach your full potential. It will take a lot of dedication though.How long to get decent basketball skills?
Work on:

Compound Exercise Movements if desiring to train in drills. Compound exercises like Plyometrics are great for explosive, leaping ability. Just ask your local track and field coach at your school. He/she would know some easy moves to work on for drills-based training.

The gist: compound movements use the ENTIRE body in one unit in an explosive nature which works on your Fast-Twitch Muscle Fibers*.

* fast twitch muscle fibers exist in excess in 100 meter sprint runners, BUT NOT IN GUYS like Michael Phelps who is good at swimming. Swimming requires slow-twitch/endurance muscle fibers.

Everyone has both, but guys like Phelps has less.

Michael Jordan = he had explosive fast-twitch muscle fibers, as does Usain Bolt, the worlds fastest man.

As for plyometrics:

Try asking your track coach about Bounding Boxes, stacked in a line from lowest to highest = you will be airborne by summer's end if you keep that up.
Depends how much you love the game...........if you love the game you will be able to concentrate more and if you concentrate you will learn faster...........also keep watch NBA you will learn allot things..........good luck...........:)
I can't say how long it would take, but I can say that if you just keep practicing then you will eventually get basketball skills.

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